Rachel Nielson, host of the 3 in 30 Takeaways For Mom’s Podcast (https://3in30podcast.com/) and Monica Packer, host of the About Progress Podcast (https://aboutprogress.com/) join Tony to talk podcasting, specifically, what it takes to start your own podcast. Rachel and Monica have created Podcast U, an online course to help teach people how to start and grow impactful podcasts. To learn more about Podcast U please click here https://www.podcastu.co/a/18731/NSZ9J5wB or if you simply want to test the waters by signing up for the free classes that they mention on the podcast, please click here https://www.podcastu.co/a/33963/NSZ9J5wB


In this episode, Rachel, Monica, and Tony talk about the challenges of starting a podcast, from the inevitable “impostor syndrome” that plagues so many wanna-be podcasters, to the minefield of knowing what equipment to purchase, what to do with the audio files you create, and how to stay consistent with a message that means something to you. They share early struggles, as well as successes and talk about the challenges of booking guests, monetization, and what to do when the guests and/or equipment aren’t cooperating. You can watch this interview on YouTube here https://youtu.be/QoQguqGyOjY (and please take a moment to subscribe to the YouTube channel if you don't mind).


Please subscribe to The Virtual Couch YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/TheVirtualCouchPodcast/ and sign up at http://tonyoverbay.comto learn more about Tony’s upcoming “Magnetic Marriage” program!


Tony's FREE parenting course, “Tips For Parenting Positively Even In the Not So Positive Times” is available NOW. Just go to http://tonyoverbay.com/courses/ and sign up today. This course will help you understand why it can be so difficult to communicate with and understand your children. You’ll learn how to keep your buttons hidden, how to genuinely give praise that will truly build inner wealth in your child, teen, or even in your adult children, and you’ll learn how to move from being “the punisher” to being someone your children will want to go to when they need help.


This episode of The Virtual Couch is sponsored by http://betterhelp.com/virtualcouch With the continuing “sheltering” rules that are spreading across the country PLEASE do not think that you can’t continue or begin therapy now. http://betterhelp.com/virtualcouch can put you quickly in touch with licensed mental health professionals who can meet through text, email, or videoconference often as soon as 24-48 hours. And if you use the link http://betterhelp.com/virtualcouch you will receive 10% off your first month of services. Please make your own mental health a priority, http://betterhelp.com/virtualcouch offers affordable counseling, and they even have sliding scale options if your budget is tight.


Tony's new best selling book "He's a Porn Addict...Now What? An Expert and a Former Addict Answer Your Questions" is now available on Kindle. https://amzn.to/38mauBo


Tony Overbay, is the co-author of "He's a Porn Addict...Now What? An Expert and a Former Addict Answer Your Questions" now available on Amazon https://amzn.to/33fk0U4. The book debuted in the number 1 spot in the Sexual Health Recovery category and remains there as the time of this record. The book has received numerous positive reviews from professionals in the mental health and recovery fields.


You can learn more about Tony's pornography recovery program The Path Back by visiting http://pathbackrecovery.com And visit http://tonyoverbay.com and sign up to receive updates on upcoming programs, and podcasts.

Transcript of Episode:

VIRTUALCOU-2020-09-08 start your own podcast
[00:00:00] Hey, coming up on today's episode of The Virtual Couch, have you ever thought about starting your own podcast? If so, or honestly, even if you haven't? I think you're in for a treat. As I interview two of the rising stars in the podcasting space, Rachel Nielsen, host of 3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms, and Monica Packer, host of the About Progress podcast. So they have teamed up to create podcast You, which is an online course that will teach you everything that you need to know from equipment to finding your voice, topics, even the monetization of a podcast. And we share a ton of our own newbie podcasting stories and mistakes. So this is truly a fun, inspiring episode with a little something for anybody. If you've ever thought about starting a podcast or if you're simply a podcast listener, which let's face it, if you are hearing this well, I am thinking you are. So this and more coming up on today's episode of The Virtual.

[00:00:58] Hey, everybody, welcome to Episode two hundred and twenty two of the virtual couch. I am your host, Tony Overbay. I am a licensed marriage and family therapist. Certified mine will have a coach, writer, speaker, husband, father for ultramarathon runner and creator of the Path Back and Online Pornography Recovery Program that is helping people reclaim their lives from the harmful effects of pornography. If you or anyone that you know is trying to put pornography behind them once and for all and trust me, it can be done in a strength based hold the shame, become the person you always wanted to be way, then please head over to path back recovery dotcom. And there you will find a short ebook that describes five common mistakes that people make when trying to put pornography behind them once and for all. Again, that is path back recovery dotcom. And if you have a second, please head over to Tony Overbay dot com. It's completely revamped the new and sign up to find out more about my magnetic marriage course that is launching soon. Also stopped by virtual couch on Instagram or Tony Overbay, licensed marriage and family therapist on Facebook. And as always, if you are a rate and review type, I would be forever in your debt. If you take a minute and click a rating wherever you get your podcasts, leave a little review. If you've appreciated any of the free content that I have provided on the virtual couch over the past now darn near three years and again two hundred and twenty two episodes.

[00:02:11] And I can't thank you enough and I truly appreciate all the support. So today's interview with Rachel and Monica and am I the only one thinking of a friend's reference. So that is an order. Rachel, Monica, anybody? This this one is on the virtual couch YouTube channel as well, where you can see the three of us all on the screen together. I finally figured out how to do zoom where we're all looking at each other. It doesn't just switch to whoever is talking so you can go find that on the virtual couch YouTube channel. I'll have that in the show notes and then subscribe there as well. That would be appreciated. So let's get to today's show. So just a couple of things to cover because I think we cover all of the things and the episode. But Rachel and Monica talk about their podcast You program that helps people create their own podcast. And for any guys listening, they talk early and often about helping moms create podcasts. But please stay listening because we do touch on the fact that they do have some men that have gone through their course as well. So you are, of course, welcome to join podcast you also. So I'm going to have links to both their free courses and podcast you in the show notes, and I will make sure that those are there because that is very important. So please look for those links and click on those to find the courses. And I've tried to make things easy for you.

[00:03:25] And I neglected in the intro to say that if you have any questions or comments or thoughts, you can reach me through my contact form at TonyOverbay.com. Or I think you can just email me a contact at TonyOverbay.com either way. And if you happen to be new to my show, if you're following Raichel or a Monaca comment or link over here, I've actually had both of them on my show and I've been on both of their shows. So I would love for you to find those episodes. I actually I love being on their show and we've covered some great topics. Perfectionism talked about Rachel's background with in vitro and adoption and just so many good things, parenting, marriage, all of those sort of things. So and if you're again, if you're new to my show, I'm currently taking questions, anything mental health related or therapy related for an upcoming upcoming Q&A episode as well as I do a lot of work with women who are in or recovering from relationships with emotionally abusive spouses, often with symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder. So I am putting together a group for those women to connect and it will be completely confidential. So anyone is welcome to contact me again in those methods above contact that Tony Overbay dot com or through the Tony over Gay.com website if you're interested in learning more about that group, again, completely confidential. So let's get to my interview with a couple of my favorite people, Rachel Nielsen and Monica Pecker.

[00:04:56] Come on, take a seat.

[00:05:00] So come action, Rachel. Monica, how are you?

[00:05:06] Good, so good. We're so excited to be here.

[00:05:08] I'm giddy. I had a nice, long therapy day. I still I think I smell like therapy and is about this. And I apologize for the last couple of clients who will never know when we filmed this, but I was maybe not as presence as I should have been. You can send us the bill. OK, I will. Thank you. But I was so grateful to have both of you on here, and I haven't done this before. And we're going to talk about podcasting. We're going to talk about podcasting and mental health, which I think is as šemeta is, the kids say, because we all have podcasts, touch upon mental health. So, yes, yes, yes, yeah. And then I really had I should bury the bury the lead. I'm giving away the farm or any of the other things. But and we're going to talk about your podcast, you, which I am just giddy about because I get a lot of people and I'm curious when we start there.

[00:06:00] Do you have. Obviously you do because you create podcast. I was going to say, do you have people that contact you regularly and say, how do I start a podcast?

[00:06:10] Yes, that's why we started our course. Exactly right. It's about that. Yeah, well, because we had so many messages between the two of us and that honestly became a part time job at one point of just trying to genuinely help people, but just not being able to tell them. And a bite sized direct message or a one minute voice memo back to them. This is how you start a podcast. It's a lot more intensive. We've go ahead.

[00:06:39] No, I just said it really is. And I tried the same way I would I would try to create some Google doc. I would try to do some copy and paste. I would. But then it just it leads to more and more questions and at times overwhelming. And and because I don't know. Rachel, what's your what was that like for you? I mean, would you try to keep up on those?

[00:06:56] Yeah. I mean, I try to offer help where I can. But like Monica said, it is just so much more intense than what you can teach in just a quick voice memo. And I like to I want to go into all the complexity and the nuance and everything with people. And you can't do that over Instagram. And, you know, I do think podcasting is becoming more and more popular. It is. I don't just think that it is. Research shows that it is. It's just such a great medium and it's people are really drawn to it now. And so more and more questions were coming in. So we thought we would make these courses. And really, particularly for women who are like us in that they don't have like business or marketing background, they don't have like they're not even trying to use their podcast to promote their business. They just have a message they want to share, because that's how both Monica and I got started. We were stay at home moms, former teachers. We love to teach, but we were stay at home moms who just felt this message on our heart. And we didn't know it would turn into a business or anything else. We just wanted to start sharing that message. And so our courses are really for women like that, who are busy moms who are just kind of had this nagging idea and they want to know if they could turn it into something.

[00:08:09] And so that's what we need it for. I love the which is I love the fact that you both started just to share a message. And I feel like some of the emails I will get are people that basically say, hey, do you make money with your podcast? Because I would like to have one and I would like to have money. And I feel like that is not the right way to go and it's not. And I feel the similar. I just wanted to share a lot of things I felt like were repetitive that I was hearing in therapy and I thought I would be really fun thing to do.

[00:08:37] So I'm making money is great, but podcasting has to be about the heart behind it and what you are really there for. Yeah, and that's why I think that's why we love it so much. It's given so much back to both of us and turn given back so much to our our families and our responsibilities. Yeah.

[00:08:55] Hey, so tell me if they let me if I can ask just a few just basic questions. I would love to know about both of you and your podcast Journey. How long did you think about starting a podcast before you started?

[00:09:07] Rachel She's deferring to me because I'm the I I waited.

[00:09:13] I had the idea for my show down to like the format, the three and thirty format for at least two years before I actually did it. And I really do think that it was perfectionism and fear and imposter syndrome that that was holding me back. And I just thought I want it to be perfect. I don't know how to do this. Will anybody listen? And then finally, I just I think I really got tired of feeling disappointed in myself, like every day that went by that I wasn't doing it even though I wanted to. And it was so heavy on my heart. I just I couldn't live with that, like, disappointment in myself anymore. And so I was like, we're just doing this. We're starting this. But it was over two years that I thought about it before I did it.

[00:09:56] Wow. And I have to tell you, I was the same, I bought all my equipment and then I, which is so ridiculous now, I bought things I never have used, but I must buy equipment. And then that will that will force me to start a podcast. And it didn't work that way. Yes. How long do you wait Monica?

[00:10:13] I was kind of in a different boat because at that point in my life, I had had a huge period of time where I was not acting on the things I wanted and deeply yearned to do, and that I was going through an early mid-life crisis. And I suddenly started to do all the things that I had thought about doing for like eight or more years. And so it was almost like I had some seeds of inspiration about it. But it was like we were driving home from San Diego one day unexpectedly, and kid puked, had to leave the vacation really early and you had 10 hours to kill. And I turned to my husband and said, I'm going to start a podcast. And by the time I was home, I had the equipment. I had research on Google and still took a few months. But I was at that point in my life and the ready fire and then aim of that place of being. And, you know, I've made a ton of mistakes as a result. So I don't necessarily recommend that either, which is what we hope to save people from those mistakes. But I will say that, you know, just doing the thing has been even though it was so messy and, you know, oftentimes bad. Yeah, it's it's still has helped me so much feel like I am being who I want to be, like I'm doing things that I want to do. And that's helped me in ways I can't even explain to.

[00:11:34] You know, I love it. I love what you're talking about doing the thing. My favorite therapy book is called The Confidence Gap. It's about acceptance and commitment therapy and all the whole title is about. We often say, well, when I get the confidence, then I'll do the thing. And it's saying, no, do the thing to get the confidence. Oh, yeah. Scary, right?

[00:11:51] That's been like the last five years of my life. And I, I think that's that's absolutely true.

[00:11:56] Yeah. I feel like in preparing for tonight, I was thinking a little bit for preparing for this interview about how podcasting has helped my mental health. And one of the things that I thought about was I feel like it has helped me build so much more emotional resilience than I had before because so many things go wrong. And are you going to throw in the towel and you're you're going to give up or are you going to keep going and keep trying with this podcast and this message in the stream that you have and looking back to the beginning to now, I'm like, holy cow. Like things that happen now where I, like, accidentally hang up on a really big deal guest that happened to me recently. I'm like one hundred and fifty plus episodes in and this is like my dream guest and I accidently hung up on her.

[00:12:43] And as before, before I would have completely spiraled and it would have been like, you are a moron, how could you have done that, you know, and just berating, grading. And I like when I realized what I had done, I literally started laughing. I wasn't even mad. I was just like, that's so ridiculous that I just did that. And then I just called right back and said, I'm so sorry. And we just kept going. And afterwards I thought, holy cow, I've built so much emotional resilience by doing hard things over and over and over. And I've developed self compassion through being a podcaster and putting myself out there that I didn't have before.

[00:13:18] No, I love that. I was going to ask some of the questions I had. And by the way, are you guys OK if I do a little bit of a live thing here? I do not do this. I am an old man. I will do a for this life. Is that good? Yeah. Right. No, sure. OK, but OK. I don't even know if I know how to do this which is it's apparently I'm live, OK, so Monica, have you had some of those similar things where you hang up on somebody or you just make a pretty seamless.

[00:13:45] Yeah, countless. I've had so many mistakes. You know, I was thinking about that too, like in terms of mistakes. Like I started my podcast knowing I wanted to talk about self development. But then I learned quickly that I actually was about mental health so much too. So that became a big connection for me. But in the same process of learning this emotional resiliency, I've learned that I really still have a hard time being criticized or thinking of future criticism that will come up. Whether it's something the guest has said or something that I have said or our vantage point on things like a lot of how I think about things are not agreeable to people. And that has been a huge thing for me to have to face to. Like, I need to be willing to accept that not everyone is going to love me. Yeah, that's hard though. That's OK. Yeah, it has been. And still dealing with on a day to day basis. But you know, it's been really helpful that way too. So I've had lots of guests. I've said some things that I agreed with and I kept it in and other people certainly have it. And that's the one I've gotten the, you know, the critiques and and things like that. And I've had to learn how to deal with that better.

[00:14:55] So what's it been like, I mean, I know at the beginning of my own podcast, I would say send an email that would be great. I remember getting the first couple of emails thinking, that's really cool. And now it's to the point where there's a lot of emails and I feel like I can get back to them. I mean, do you find do you find that to be the case? Do you try to to get back to people that ask questions or what's that been like?

[00:15:17] I manage to get back to everybody, but only because I have an assistant that helps me, OK? And if it weren't for that, then there's no way.

[00:15:26] But but, yeah, it's it's really important to me to get back to people who ask that question. So I've just prioritized that in my business. But I know not everybody does. So I don't know what. What about you, Monica?

[00:15:39] My question was this for podcasting questions or just questions in general?

[00:15:43] I'd say podcasting questions or things that came up from episodes or so. Yeah, yeah.

[00:15:48] I'm really good at ignoring a lot of emails that do not matter. OK, but when it comes to like someone from the community, someone who has a question in mind, whether it's podcasting or this thing came up, I mean, that's the heart of what we do just with our own work but again for podcasting in general, too, like we have a weekly email that goes out for free for everybody. And we pour a ton into that, too, which is also but another way to kind of help people. But yeah, like sometimes It can be hard to keep on top of it for sure. I don't know. Email is my Achilles heel and in many ways.

[00:16:23] And I totally know what you mean. Those like form letters that you get from people like those can be ignored, but heartfelt.

[00:16:30] We get a lot of copy and paste. Yes.

[00:16:33] Rachel, I think is exactly what you're talking about. Those ones that are heartfelt, that you do a particular episode that is really someone and and I feel like that at times can be difficult.

[00:16:43] Yeah, well, and especially with you being a therapist, yeah, I'm sure people email you kind of wanting or needing therapy and it's just so hard to know what you can possibly say back in just a short little email, you know. So, yeah, I think you're in a unique position there.

[00:17:00] Nobody expects me to know, you know, and they email me. They don't expect me to have all the answers. So I can just say you're doing great and encourage them.

[00:17:08] I will stand in your way. Right? I will say no. My good friends, Rachel, Monica, have some great ideas here.

[00:17:14] Yeah. Rachel can stop reverse here. Like you said, people to us are podcasting and we'll send them to you for therapy. And we're. Yes.

[00:17:20] Hey, so tell me, have you guys had any experiences where the equipment hasn't worked, where you've missed an entire interview or anything like that?

[00:17:27] Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yes. Tell me stories.

[00:17:31] Well, OK, so I was interviewing Paul Cardell, who was this amazing musician, he's a pianist, he has billions of downloads. I'm not saying millions, billions of downloads on Spotify. And he was doing this incredible campaign. I was actually an album to help those prevent suicide. And he had these like famous country singers. And we were all supposed to be on the call was the first time I used zoom. Everybody knows how to use them right now. Everybody? Yes. This is a few years ago. This was like where everybody knew. Yes. This is like like six months ago, still nobody knew. I still had to explain zoom to people. So but two years ago is my first time. And not only did we get bumped off like three times every time I dragged the recording over to the editing equipment it somehow, like, blended different people's voices together at dropped calls altogether, it was a nightmare. But that was just one of those examples like, you know, crap hit the fan. And I think Rachel has many of those herself.

[00:18:33] Yeah, I just I mean, I definitely have experiences where, like, my microphone wasn't on, you know, and so I like the sound quality. I mean, it's it's not like it missed the recording completely, but like some of my most my favorite, most important episodes, I think I did two episodes with my sister about mental health, about depression. And women tell me all the time, like those are the episodes that like saved their lives and neither of our microphones run. So the sound quality is really poor. And I sometimes am so frustrated that those episodes that are so important had that error. But then again, it goes back to like, well, the message is what matters. And I you know, I'm not perfect and it's OK. So just forgiving yourself and and moving on.

[00:19:23] Yeah. Are there are there episodes that either one of you have done that surprised you with the feedback? I mean, things that really resonated that you didn't anticipate would.

[00:19:32] Yes, I'm trying to think a little bit more about.

[00:19:36] The specifics about like an episode that really surprised me, I think my first episode that really surprised me was when I talked to Dr. Jennifer Finlayson, if it was my 11th or 14th episode, like very new, we just wanted to talk about perfectionism. And that one took off in ways I never could have predicted. I think it probably almost has one hundred thousand downloads by itself because I got to the heart of perfectionism in ways that neither of us expected to resonate with people. I mean, she was just doing me a favor like she and she really wasn't out of the goodness of our heart. So that one shocked us both with the reception. But again, this kind of comes back to it. Rachel said, like, at the end of the day, it's not really about you. It's not about making money. It's about having a bigger purpose. And when you show up that way, I think sometimes and you know, rarely but their guests, when they happen, you have some magic like kind of just happens for people.

[00:20:32] So that was one that people have resonated with for years. And again, it had nothing to do with me.

[00:20:37] Yeah. Rachael, how about you?

[00:20:40] I think sometimes it surprises me like I, I will sometimes do so. My podcast is for moms, but I sometimes will do like more of like a social justice type topic. And I always sort of assume that, like, those won't get downloaded as much. I know that it's not probably as appealing to the everyday mom as like dealing with tantrums, like she needs tantrums. She may not need how to help refugees or something like that. So what is surprising, when I recently looked at my downloads, my most downloaded episode on my entire show is how to compassionately help those experiencing homelessness.

[00:21:26] Wow. Yeah. And I was like, wait, why people like you like I like that topic really.

[00:21:33] Like it just seemed so like not what I was expecting from my audience, but also like what I should have been expecting from my audience because they are such a compassionate kind women.

[00:21:47] And I aired it around Christmastime, December last year. And I don't know if people were really in the mode where they were searching for that or why exactly that one. But I was thrilled to see that that topic is what had resonated really deeply more than anything else that I.

[00:22:04] Yeah, that's that's that is amazing. I went on a homeless advocate YouTube deep dive one weekend in a hotel, and now my YouTube channel is full of videos about helping homeless people. And so it is fascinating. It's funny that you bring it up. I have to tell you, a very quick story that just popped in my head was one of the episodes I thought would be very well received of mine. It was Ralphie Jacobs with parenting, but it was literally released the day after our church had decided to do a fast on social media.

[00:22:37] And that's when I never quite never quite delivered the way I'd hoped it would has to me, I think every time to make doing it well.

[00:22:47] There's always something like right before we launched podcast you, the last time we had like done that, we were together at a conference for a week and we'd like worked so hard and we were ready to launch this thing and then coronavirus the pandemic hit like that weekend and we were like, can we really launch this program right now?

[00:23:07] It felt like the timing felt off and we didn't want to push it too hard because it felt insensitive. It's just like you just never know what is going to happen. And so, again, going back to that, like you just have to continue doing your work, not for the download numbers or for the money, because that none of that is guaranteed, because there's all these random things that get thrown in there.

[00:23:29] And so, yeah, you just got to do it because, you know, you want to and because you you believe in it.

[00:23:34] The way back in my former life before therapy, I was in the world of high tech. I did PR sales, marketing, and we were presenting at Macworld San Francisco a big trade show. And I was doing a big press release. And I was going to I was going to meet the media. And this was our first time doing this and the very first spot after the keynote was available. So I thought, this is gold. So I grabbed it and then learned that Steve Jobs always went late. And so literally no one showed up at all. So that's what I always remember where I thought this is my moment. You know, like there probably been times where that happens on a podcast as well. OK, I tend to talk more about that because you guys do make it look so easy at this point. You're pros, you're podcast pros. But I love how early on you were talking about, you know, you're targeting with podcast U mom's a lot of stay at home moms. And so there's I know there's there's imposter syndrome theor there. Sure. Talk about how you both overcame that.

[00:24:36] Well, I think it's still an ongoing thing, I think it creeps up and rears its ugly head here and there. I just dealt with it big time this weekend again. I think for me, it's more about the challenge to remove your worth from how the show does, you have your heart about it, you know the message, you know your why, and you lean into that and then you do your best to not let that creep in of you saying my my worth like how I am as a person, how valuable I am. And what I do depends on how many people show up on listen or how well an episode goes. And a quick example. I have a that is a little over a year ago, I decided I really wanted to change how I edited my show. So it sounded I just love and remember that. OK, so this I don't know why this is where I go. Oh, just embarrassment. But listen, like, OK, so really quickly, I want to embed some music. I wanted to make it sound more like NPR. I don't know how to describe it like first American Life, like the interviews with music and soundbytes and like wow, I was so excited about it. I experimented on a really lovely guest and his name is Tony and it's you. And can we just say that episode was terrible, like how I edited it.

[00:25:54] I didn't even know because you were apologetic and that was an episode I was you because we talked about acceptance and commitment therapy. We talked about emotionally, but weirdly therapy, right? Yeah.

[00:26:03] Weirdly, even with my botched editing job, it is still one of my most favorite episodes. And like what you discuss in that episode has stuck with me for ever. So again, like the goodness will transcend. Yeah, but that is where I had to say I don't have to be NPR. And but I also had to take a step back and say my worth is it like, I'm allowed to make mistakes and I'm learning from this and I'm going to just pivot back to what I know I can do and do really well and get back to the heart of what I'm doing. And again, if I had me, that means so much about me, I think I would have just hung up my podcasting hat and never done it again. I would have been the final episode. Yeah, you would have been it would have been a great finale with what you shared, but not what the editing. And even Rachel, I remember we like talked after and I was like, what do you think about that new editing? And she was so kind. But yes, I think we both agreed that wasn't really good.

[00:27:05] By the way, real quick, when you looked at you just look up, you're right. And it looked like a Brady Bunch kind of thing where you were looking up at Rachel, it was very nice. Oh, I'll do that, Rachel. But what's it been like for you then?

[00:27:15] The imposter syndrome is like imposter syndrome and everything I feel like… Everybody faces it, everybody and everybody thinks that no one else is facing it, and I don't know.

[00:27:29] But can I tell you, I've worked with politicians, professional athletes, CEOs, all these. And it is common. It is there in the in the highest of offices. It is there imposter's. Yes, I know it is a is a delusional narcissist. That's a whole other story. Yeah.

[00:27:45] And I think that it's so easy to look at other people and think like they're nailing it, they're rocking it, they have it all together. It's easy for them. Yes, it's easy for them or that was handed to them and they didn't have to work that hard for it. You know, like we just make up all these stories when really people are just people. And so everybody feels that. I do think that they're that people, depending on their innate personalities, may have varying degrees of it. I think some people naturally have more imposter syndrome than others, but everybody feels it. And like Monica said, it's not like it just goes away. I think it just manifests in different ways. Monica interviewed a guest, Patrice Washington. Didn't she say Monica like new level, new devil. Yeah, something like that. Like so I don't really feel imposter syndrome anymore. And I'm recording with gas because I've just done that enough times. But now I'm I'm doing different things like teaching podcast you in different things that are that are new. As long as you continue to push and challenge yourself, you are going to feel some imposter syndrome. You're going to feel you're going to feel anxiety. You're going to feel all those feelings all over again that you thought you were done with because new level, new devel. But the only other option is to stop growing. Yeah, if you never want to feel that, then that means that you have to stay in your comfort zone and never push yourself. And that's not good either.

[00:29:12] So you never get to a point, I don't think, where you like you have it made and you don't have to struggle anymore. You're just going to keep kind of leveling up and learning new things. And as you get more and more emotionally resilient, you're going to have to take on harder things in order to challenge yourself.

[00:29:28] So I was telling you guys off the before we started about this national radio show, I went on Sunday night, and that one was one where I had not let myself stop and think about it. And then when I was sitting there ready and I'm hearing in the headphones and I'm coming up next, I, I freaked out. I did. I had to do some nice little breathing exercises. And then and then it was it live. It was airing live. Live nationwide. My first joke was, I mean, he didn't respond and I was like, oh my gosh, this is bad. And I even said, hey, that joke didn't land. And then that didn't land either. And then we rally. So it was everybody of that new level knew that. Well, because going into it, I maybe did think that this is what I do. Podcasts, I can do a national live radio. Why not? But it is going to be OK. Yeah, I learned you just keep learning. Yeah. So OK, talk about podcast you. I mean this is what I'm really excited about. Again, if anybody is kind of just joining on the live stream, that's kind of fun to do. We get people that ask constantly and I mean bless their hearts, they want to just the quick answer of, hey, how can I start a really big podcast that gets lots of downloads and maybe even makes money? Can you can you shoot me back an email and let me know all those things?

[00:30:40] And so this is this is funny. OK, Rachel, I just spent a whole weekend working on a podcast U and we're seeing so many podcast courses pop up all over the Internet right now, which is good because, you know, podcasting, it's great and more people should be doing it. But what we believe about podcasting is counter to a lot of how it's being marketed. OK, here's how to have millions of downloads overnight. Here's how to make six figures. Here's how it's easy. And in thirty days, you can be a podcaster that's the messaging we're seeing and the messaging that we're seeing. That's not our messaging. Our messaging is that is going to be an up and down road. But you can do it. And here's how. And we give more specifics, but it really goes more to the heart of what people are doing and why than just like these outcomes that are getting they're getting sold. Yeah. Which was a little different. Maybe it's not quite, quote unquote sexy of marketing. But, you know, the heart of what we do speaks more than than just selling things to people. We really want them to succeed. We want women like us who are normal, everyday moms who have gifts that they haven't even tapped into yet. We have like a voice they haven't even tapped into yet and have a message that they feel called to at least think about more and talk to their people about and then develop their voice along the way. And I mean, that's what it's done for us. That's what we want for our community and women. And we don't need millions of them to sign up. We need the women that this world needs to become podcasters because we think.

[00:32:19] The world needs these women's podcast's, yeah, do you feel like the people need to know already what they're going to talk about? I mean, do most people come into it knowing or do they just know? I want to podcast. I want to speak.

[00:32:35] I think most people who come to us have some inkling of a direction. I don't think that it has to be like nailed down to the point. Like I told you, mine was like I knew format. I knew everything. But I think that's unusual. I think most people who come to us know, like, I'm really interested in this and I would want my podcast to be about this topic. But they haven't honed that yet. They haven't figured out all the specifics. And then within the podcasting, 101 course that Monica teaches, there's a lot of help with that kind of narrowing in and figuring out your niche and your purple cow, which is something that Seth Godin teaches about how to make something about your podcast or your product remarkable, like in a sea of brown Jersey cows that nobody would comment on. There's a purple cow and everybody's like, oh, look at that, that's different. And how you can do that with your podcast, you have to have something that's a little different, that makes you stand out and we help you kind of figure out what that thing is. So I do think most people don't come into our course like just with no idea what direction. But you certainly don't need to know exactly yet when you join and then we kind of help you narrow it down.

[00:33:48] I like that. I know Monica and some of the stuff that you and I have talked about, I am a big fan of figuring out what someone's values are, their values that are unique to them. And I know whenever I get a chance, I get to speak at a couple of podcast festivals. And I love talking about if you don't speak to something that is in line with your values, then you're not going to feel very authentic. And at that point, then I feel like people start to panic and they start to just try to pick whatever it is that they can talk about in hopes that then something will stick. And I feel like, man, that's the that's kind of the opposite approach or a way to go.

[00:34:21] Definitely. Yes. And I think that's really true, too, for monetization. You know, we talk about how it's not easy to monetize a podcast and to figure that out.

[00:34:30] People want it to be easy. But when you start getting desperate about, well, I just want to make money, so I'll just take whatever opportunities are ads. And they're completely not aligned with you or with your audience and what they want. Well you really lose the trust of your listener. And so it's a short game to do that to to just accept whatever you have to hold out and you have to stay and say, I'm going to find something really aligned that feels good to me and in a way to monetize this instead of just going for the easy stuff maybe earlier on or the biggest guests, you know, or people that you think of that as a huge influencer, I want them on my show and then they come and it connects and no way what your audience needs and what they were looking for.

[00:35:15] So that's a lot of what we talk about to both and 101 and 201. You know how to really connect to what your audience needs, and that's what we can help them refine. And then serving and serving and serving. That's a lot of what Rachel talks about. And to a one, you know, if you want to grow your show, if you want to start a show and you want to grow it, serve, you serve and serve and serve.

[00:35:37] No, I love that. I do. So that that one had you guys. How often do you do you kind of don't the phrase swing for the fences on guests or that sort of thing. Do you do that very often or how what's your guys process of finding and booking guests.

[00:35:54] Well, complicated. Yeah, right. Yeah, go for it, Rachel.

[00:36:00] I think at first everybody I asked felt like swinging for the fence, you know, like.

[00:36:06] Yes, yes. And a person in the neighborhood like that was scary.

[00:36:11] Yes. And and especially those people that I admired online, like that was, you know, so scary. But I think you start to realize over time that there's actually most people like being featured on podcasts. It's good press for them. And so it's surprising who will say, yes, you know, there's some people that you think like, oh, they just their way out of my league. And then they say, yes. And you're like, wow, I never expected that. So it's like everything else we've been talking about, I think it gets easier. You get more confident over time as well as you get more resilient to like, well, what's the worst they can say no or not respond at all. Like. So to answer your question, it's been a while since I've really swung for the fence like I have a few people in in my mind, like I would love to interview John Gottman, you know, like I mean, it's like but that is a major swing for the fence. You know, I would love to interview Melinda Gates. I have like a few people in my mind that I'm like that would be and like that I so highly doubt that either of them would ever do it.

[00:37:17] But it's kind of like they are saying that they are going to be on your show now for sure. That's right. Although now I'm thinking I need to I need to reach out to them. I need to bet Rachel haha. the race is on. Right.

[00:37:33] But, you know, so I think it's good to have, like, a few people like that, but and why not try, you know, why not ask them? And I really wanted Donald Miller to be on my podcast. I don't know if either of you know who that is, but I'm not familiar. Yes. He is an author that I've loved for, like, a decade. He I loved him when he was an author. Now he's like a marketing guru. He, like, pivoted it. He's a really big deal. He does story brand. I don't know if you. Yeah, OK. Yeah. And like, I reached out and it was a total like long shot and I never got any response and you know, it's fine, it's fine.

[00:38:07] So I'm going to say Oh me too I you once a week at least reach out to a couple of people that I think will most likely not get back to me. And I'm usually correct.

[00:38:16] Yes. And that's kind of part of the fun, almost like I, you know, not to go into processes here, but I have an Excel spreadsheet and I'm keeping track of some people who, you know, some are total, like mid-level or low influencers, just people I really love. It's not about their numbers. It's about who they are and their message. But then I do have the, you know, shoot for the stars kind of people that are on my running list that I will continue like some a mine are, Greg McEuen from Essentialism and James Clear. And I love Carol Dweck, who's about the growth mindset. Like, those are my shoot for the stars people too. But that's kind of part of the fun. Yeah, I think so. Yeah.

[00:38:51] So. All right. Let me ask you this too then. So I love that we're talking about how it's been a good thing for your mental health to really stretch yourself and and give you some additional purpose and that sort of thing. But we've also talked about imposter syndrome. And have there been times where the process of podcasting is has kind of been too much or has just gotten you down or you know, and if so, what have you done with that?

[00:39:14] We're both laughing inside. And crying because where do we begin this we have needed each other. Rachel and I desperately, because not only have we had those moments, I can probably count on them every two months for myself, feeling like, why am I doing this?

[00:39:33] Is anybody listening, does anybody care? Yeah, disappointment over numbers or a review or something like those absolutely happen. And in fact, that's one thing we said a lot on our emails we sent out. And then, of courses too and with our students.

[00:39:50] You're going to feel like quitting. Yeah, it's going to get too comfortable.

[00:39:54] Yeah. Yes. It's not about if it's when and when that happens. There are lots of things you can do. You know, you can take a break. We've both taken breaks, but a big part of it is getting back to the heart of why you're there in the first place. I'm sure Rachel can have some more advice on this as well.

[00:40:10] Yeah, I think I also think having friends or a friend that you can be totally honest with who's who's in your same boat, who gets it, because, like, I can talk to Ryan and my husband about podcasting, disappointments and stuff, and he's very sympathetic, but he doesn't do this day in and day out like, you know, Monica. So Monica is my person that, like, I text her and I can be completely honest and tell I don't need to, like, hold back about the specific things that are really hard for me at that time. I can tell her, like my ugly thoughts that I'm having about myself or or other people, you know, like that I wouldn't tell anybody else. But like, it's important to have a safe person or two or, you know, somebody that gets it. And I think this is true for whatever you do, like whatever your industry, you field like, you got to have somebody that gets that you can talk to about it after those types say bless the heart of the peanut gallery.

[00:41:05] But when you're sharing that with someone who doesn't get it, then they're going to say things like, well, then don't do it or just, yes, big deal. Or, you know, it's like, no, no, it's not what I want to hear. Yes. Or they might like they might judge you for your ugly thoughts because they don't get it. They haven't been in that place, whereas somebody who's been there understands that that's not the best of you talking. It's not the real you talking. But they can hear you out and say, yeah, it's super hard when this this and this happens. And then just having somebody here, you sometimes is all you need and then you're like, OK, I can do this now.

[00:41:41] You know, I love that. I love that. That's one of the great parts about therapy at times is some people that come in and I'm thinking, all right, let's get some tools or let's talk about diffusion of thoughts or expansion of emotions. And they're like, no, I just want to I just want you to hear me. I just want you to want me to tell me that stinks and you're going to be OK. And I was thinking, OK, I love that. And that's that's.

[00:42:04] Yeah, yeah. Well, and especially with some things I'm sure you hear in therapy that these are things that people cannot tell anyone else, you know, that like whatever that issue might be, they literally can't talk to their sister or whoever about this thing that's really personal that's going on in their life or their marriage or their kids life. And so to have a therapist who's just a third party that you can just talk to who will say that is so hard, you know, I think that's a huge gift to people to have that person.

[00:42:34] Yeah, no, I love it anyway. I think it now, I've gone back to this radio appearance twice, but it's because I'm realizing now that you guys understand I got home and I made this joke about I think one of my kids said, what were you doing? I was like a national radio show is like, oh, OK. You know, like, you know, like every one's doing on Sunday night I.

[00:42:55] Yeah, yeah, exactly. So it was kind of funny. So. All right, tell me more about then structure set up time frame podcast. You what do people need to know. I'm going to send everyone in the entire world there. Any email I get. How do podcast and sorry you're caught up in an ADD thought. You don't even know it right now. But I want to put out there when I had a guy named Dan Raiden on my podcast and he's the CEO of Auxbus, which was this podcasting kind of a platform of sorts that help people put these together. I really I found it interesting where he talked about and we just crossed a million podcast. You guys probably know that, right, that there's over a million podcasts out there now. And at the time, he was telling me this was several months ago where there were I think it was eight hundred thousand at the time. And he said so he had gotten investors together to put this company together. And I thought there was some data share that was fascinating. And he said that now there's let's say there's ten million YouTube channels, for example.

[00:43:53] And so he said that podcasting right now is at the forefront of where YouTube is now and that people that get in now have the likelihood of with Hancey in a good voice and I mean not like a speaking voice, but if they are finding their voice that those are those people. When we look now at YouTube channels that have millions of subscribers and millions of downloads and you think, what? How did these guys get started? And it was they were there, that kind of beginning. So, I mean, I really feel like even though there's a million and that sounds like a lot, we're still we're just the beginning. Yeah. At the beginning. So, I mean, there's never been a better time. If somebody is thinking about starting a podcast, I. Get in now, I mean, get in, learn it, go through the growing pains that we're talking about, be consistent. So, you know, so yeah, talk about, I guess you well, I mean, podcasting one on one has that in mind.

[00:44:46] Our goals for not people to just complete the course and start the podcast. We want them to create a podcast that lasts, that sticks around. And that's where we start at the foundation of who they are and what the show is about and who they're serving. And then we build from there and we go into a ton of the how to I mean, it's all there. We have resources. We put templates in how we reach out to guests, how we pitch people. We put in processes. We show them behind the scenes. But we do a lot of development of the structure of their show and what it's really for and how to serve their audience. So that's one on one. And again, that's the nutshell version of it 201 Rachel?

[00:45:24] Yeah. And they're and and I'll tell you more about let me just tell you the concept of two a one first and then we'll go into more logistical things. But so 201 is really the metaphor that I use. When I designed the 201 growing your podcast course, I use the metaphor of a tree and how you have to start by strengthening the roots before you straight before you try to broaden the reach, because if you try to broaden the reach and you don't have solid roots, then the tree just falls over. Yeah. And so how growth is really about growing deeper as well as growing broader. And so the first half of the course is really about more organic growth. Like if your podcast is excellent, people will share it. And so that's what you have to start with, is organically like. Are you serving your listener? Do you know your listener? Are your episodes set up in a way that really speaks to your ideal customer or client or listener? And then in the second half of the course, we talk more social media marketing and all of those kind of strategies. collaborations? Yeah, collaborations, different things. I think people come to like a course on growth thinking, like give me all the quick hacks, the quick tips, but that's the branches and you got to start with the roots.

[00:46:40] And so that's really how I set it up. And so it's it's nine lessons about all different types of podcasting growth. And we have them set up so that you can watch the video, you log in and watch the video of the courses. But we also we have a new feature that we're really excited about, where we put all of the lessons, the audio files on a private podcast feed so that people can just listen from their favorite podcast app on the go, because I know I buy online courses that I never actually sit down and carve out the time to take, you know. Yeah. And so we really like we've designed this with a busy mom in mind, like anything do to make it so that she'll actually get through the course and get her podcast out into the world or grow her podcast if she already has one. That's our goal. So that's how it's set up. And we're teaching. I don't know when this episode is going to air, Tony, but we're teaching them.

[00:47:34] Yeah, OK. All the time is right because I'm excited about this.

[00:47:38] Ok, perfect. Yeah, we are. Because we're teaching 4 free classes in September for people who just want to get a taste of the content and get the first Monika's classes called What Is Your Class called three things you must know to start a podcast. OK, OK. And then mine is called three reasons your show isn't growing and what to do about it. And we will both be teaching those courses and then we'll tell you more about classes. Yeah, yeah. Those free classes and then we'll tell you more about the full courses. So we'll send you all the dates and you can put those in the show notes, Tony, and link to it. But they're happening in the last half of September, those free classes.

[00:48:17] Yeah, yeah. So we'll give people plenty of time.

[00:48:20] And we have we have a killer bonus that we're doing with those classes. Should we tell them on the air, Monica? Let's tell them what it is for sure. Go for it are so we are going to do anybody who signs up with this round with those free classes. If you attend those free classes, you'll get a four part course how to monetize your podcast, because that is what everybody is asked everybody wants right now. And we do have we touch on it in our prime, in our 101 and 201 course. But we knew that it would require an entire course. So we you know, and so we are going to teach that live to the students who sign up this round. It'll just be part of it'll be their bonus for enrolling. And so if people get in on that, then that will be an awesome bonus that that's nice.

[00:49:06] and not to continue this for another. You know, I don't want to keep taking your time, but we talked about community earlier how you need people. One of the big things we love about this is they get lifetime access to a private Facebook group of fellow podcasters who were in the program and taking the courses and the connections that they have made there. The way they've collaborated, the way they've supported each other has been so incredible to see, and that's only going to grow and grow more with time like fellow moms mostly who get you and are in the same thing and trying to do the same things as you. So that is another big thing. And we also do lifetime access to the course. So any time we change the course, which we already did for podcasting 101, because podcasting changes just keeps changing, you get that.

[00:49:54] You never have to pay for it again. That's nice. I know this might be a silly question, but I think this is very applicable because, Rachel, if you remember, I petitioned you to be the first guy on three and 30 days, right? Yes. So I can't lie. When I logged in, I was planning on stopping by the Facebook group. If there is a dad that is interested, is that is that OK?

[00:50:14] We do have a dad. Yes. I think we actually have two dads. They're totally welcome. They're welcome.

[00:50:21] Yes, they're totally welcome. So. Yeah. And Tony, I think my grandpa had been on the show right at the end then and then you you've been on a couple different times and then maybe one or two other men. So you are in the elite male representatives on three know that.

[00:50:40] I feel very honored by that because know I very much enjoyed those episodes. That was good. So did I. They were awesome. So you're definitely a fan favorite on 3 in 30.

[00:50:51] It's very kind. I'm so grateful that you guys were willing to take the time to come on here. I'm glad we got to talk about mental health and podcasting. Any other kind of funny stories this year before we before we leave. And I'll give you time to think for a second. I will tell you two things that I was thinking about in preparation. So so start thinking. Right. One of them was just I did have I did have one where a wonderful, amazing woman had asked me to talk about pornography and kids and and I felt so good about the recording. It was one of these where it just load back and forth and and I could not wait to promote that podcast. And she let me know the next day that she had forgot to record it. So that was one of those. Right. And then I will just say there was a I did have another one where someone had and I did not do my research. I guess I don't want to say anything negative, but I didn't do my research. And then I went on a particular podcast, only to find out right before that that we would be doing a past life regression and that we would be finding out what I had been in a previous life and that I go, whoa, where my story of when I realized that I had had previous lives. So were you a king in your previous lives? I was just I was kind of just a nobleman. I mean, it wasn't too fancy, but that one with that I was, I guess. And then one more on that one another. I think these typically have a theme of I didn't do my research. So there was another one where I then early on reached out to somebody that they they had said they were an author.

[00:52:24] And so then right before I go on the record, I think I, I need to just I'll go buy their book and I will very quickly skim it and I'll have very smart now I do I do much a much better job. I will actually read someone's book and stuff. So then I learn as I go to search that it wasn't like they had a real book that there was one of those sites where like Wattpad or you can just kind of uploads pages. And so it was maybe 40 pages double spaced and there wasn't a particularly exciting story. So but I carried through with the interview. I did not end up using it as a podcast. But, um, you know, it was a good experience. So there's my my kind of embarrassing moments.

[00:53:02] I think you're learning you have better ones than me. I don't know. I don't know if I have any like that. My I think one of the funnier I'm trying to think because there have definitely been some, but one of the funnier moments was when my second episode ever was with my little sister. OK, as it would be. Right. That's who you start with. Yeah. Thank goodness. Because this happened. So she when I said so. Laura, welcome to Three in Thirty. She said it really weird. She was like she was caught off guard. So she was like, oh hey. Hi. Yeah, good to be here. So like so we laughed about it and then I said, let's just try that again and I'll just clip it out. And so she said, hi, well, great to be here. And then she's like, let me just try it a bunch of different ways. And she was like, Hey, it's so good to be here. Hi. So she did it like all these different ways. And I forgot to I like, moved them down on the track to, like, pick the one that I wanted and I forgot to ever delete them. And so this is my second episode ever, and it aired and I'm listening to it in the car thinking like I'm a podcaster. I'm so legit. And I'm listening to this intro. My intro music is going and all you hear is my sister with all these different variations of hi, it's good to be here. Hello, it's good to be here. And I was like, so mortified because only like twenty people were listening to my podcast at the time. It wasn't a big deal, but I was mortified. My sister was mortified. I remember trying to go. And fix the file and just realizing I'm not quite as legit as I thought I was, so that's that's my funny story.

[00:54:40] Ok, Monica, before we do, Rachel, remember what we did that was really funny. We recorded yes, we recorded two episodes back to back. And you said it's going to be like in a month or two. The second one will be. And so then you came on and I said it feels like it was yesterday.

[00:54:56] And I said, well, I said in there, I'm like, Tony, welcome back. And you said, if it feels like it was yesterday and I tried to keep going and not laugh and I'm like, we had so much great feedback on your first episode. People just, like, busted out laughing like, we can't do this. So we had to rerecord that part.

[00:55:19] That was right. I just remembered that. That was fun. That was great. OK, Monica, funny story.

[00:55:23] Oh, I don't think I have such funny stories like you. I mean, I've had episodes where I forgot to put the sound back on a whole track. So all they hear is music and no introduction and no narrating. One of my big first guests was Brooks Bourke-White, and I was so thrilled to have her on.

[00:55:45] And the music suddenly came in the middle of her talking and it was like over over her voice. You couldn't hear her just like little things like that. But something we've discovered recently, Rachel and I, is that, um, I have a knack of saying idioms wrong, really. I love this happens. And I really feel like if I could just pay someone to go back through the 280 plus episodes I've done and make a collection of all the idioms I've gotten wrong and just share them on a show, it would be hilarious. Like one friends I recently did. I said now. Right out the door. Right off the gate. Oh, how about I do things like that constantly. Do you. Yes. So we need almost like it needs to become a drinking game. I don't know what people want to do, Sprite or whatever. I think it should become a drinking game.

[00:56:37] I love that. I don't think it's on this iPad, but I used to sit there during sessions and when somebody would misuse something like that.

[00:56:45] Yeah. Oh my goodness. I would write them down. I think I have this actually on my list. If I were your client, my list would be endless.

[00:56:54] And I feel I've never talked about this before, but I was keeping them and I didn't know if I was going to ever use this as a book or something like that. You should. I really should. And I actually I need to stop looking right now. I'll do that later, but I'm pretty sure I do because I would hear people I remember one of the first times or somebody was it was for all intents and purposes, I remember when there was a lot of people like to take things for granite, which is very hard for granite. But I mean, yeah, I, I think the good old classic one is I could care less, right. Yes. Yes. I like this one and that one. Sometimes I want to say, well that must not be a big deal.

[00:57:31] But I mean comments are so. good news, like if you're not super eloquent you can still be a podcast or you could stutter constantly. I get the idioms mixed, mixed up. All sorts of things happen.

[00:57:43] Yeah. I have to tell you. And yeah, I will let us go here. There is a new program that I have been playing with that I have to tell you off air. But it is one of those where I record you can upload the mp3 file and then it does an amazing transcription and it shows all the odds and ends and whatever, and you can then just delete them manually and then it just exports it back out. And I've only used that the last couple of times, but on the one I released today, it took out sixty. And I didn't realize I, I just did right there. I said, and it takes out the I and I can get rid of one of the I's and it's so smooth it's kind of scary. And then on the other end you read to it. So it has you read I read fifteen minutes of The Wizard of Oz to it and then it's this feature called Overdub and then you can type and then it does a podcast of just what you typed.

[00:58:35] It's, it's, it's wild.

[00:58:38] What. Yeah. This is all craziness. Spoky. Yeah. New stuff.

[00:58:43] Yeah. I've been playing with it and it's pretty wild.

[00:58:46] I've got to say it's your voice. Oh yeah. Typed podcast.

[00:58:51] Yeah. So I mean I had to read The Wizard of Oz. Do it for fifteen minutes. One morning. This is ridiculous. And then you upload it, submit it and the next day it comes back and says Here's your voice. And so then you go in and I typed I am typing to see what this podcast sounds like. And then you hit play and it says, I am typing this. It's crazy. There were a couple of words that I then had to go back and spell phonetically, but then it pretty much nailed it. And since that time I felt like I was dealing with the voodoo or wizard magic and I haven't gone back to it. But I think there's a lot that I could do with this.

[00:59:23] It's kind of frightening. You got to have an accent for that, though, because with my accent. Yeah. I mean, I confuse people where I lived in California for thirty. Four years on, things I was saying, like I'm saying, feel like like, you know, come on.

[00:59:41] Oh, I feel like fill l I'm saying feel that I feel I feel upset.

[00:59:50] And women. Yes. Actually that was the thing Rachael did have to say like early on in our friendship. Monica, when you say women, are you meaning plural because you say it for both. And she literally had to teach me how so say women. Women for plural.

[01:00:11] Ok, I love this practice. You guys, anyone is still listening now. I know because I would say my my family loves that. I have to learn how to say pillow instead of pellow and say miracle instead of miracle. So yes. These things as well. Yes, yes. Yeah.

[01:00:30] Ok, Rachel. Monica, what a blast. This is fun. I appreciate you coming on. I would love to do this again. I will have all the links to podcast U and I are grateful for the service you are providing because there needs to be more voices of people that are one want to put their voice out there and be authentic and genuine and have things to say. So I'm grateful for what you're doing.

[01:00:53] Thank you so much for having us on, Tony. You are one of the most delightful people I have ever met. Truly, it's such a delight to talk to you. The first time I met you, I was like, it just clicked so fast with you. And I know that you're that way with everybody that you talk to and interview. So you really have a gift.

[01:01:12] You you leave everyone happier and better than you found them that's for sure.

[01:01:17] So I appreciate that, Terry. You know, they are so. All right. I'm going to hit stop on the recording. Hang on one second. Thanks so much, you guys. Thank you.

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